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In today’s competitive world, leadership is a sought-after quality in the workplace. But what exactly does “leadership” mean? What do you need to achieve this quality? It doesn’t matter whether you aspire to be a CEO or just want to lead your team better at work; many qualities will help you develop into a great leader. In this article, we’ll cover some of the key personal strengths that every leader should strive for and how they can apply them in their lives.

1) Empathy

When you empathize with your team, it’s easier to understand their needs and communicate with them. Empathy is also a powerful tool in conflict resolution. The person who displays this quality listens to both sides of an argument without judging or taking one side over another. In short, having empathy shows that you value your team members’ opinions and appreciate their unique qualities.

2) Confidence

When you have confidence in yourself, your team members will see it and be more likely to follow your lead. You can develop this quality by learning from mistakes and approaching new challenges with an open mind. If something doesn’t work out the way that you envisioned, figure out why and use what you’ve learned going forward. The more you learn about what works and doesn’t, the more confident you’ll become.

3) Persistence

You can’t reach your goals without persisting through the tough times. What separates great leaders from mediocre ones is their persistence despite opposition, conflicts with co-workers, or problems outside of work. By staying persistent, you will achieve more over time and respect your team members who see that even in difficult circumstances, you won’t give up.

4) Emotional Intelligence

Being able to manage your own emotions effectively will help you understand and communicate with others. For example, if a team member is upset about something that happened at work, emotionally intelligent leaders can pick up on these cues by asking the right questions. Empathetic leaders can pick up on these cues and offer support if they have difficulty communicating their needs or concerns.

5) A Sense of Humor

Everyone has bad days, but a leader with a good sense of humor knows how to diffuse difficult situations. For example, if an employee makes a mistake, instead of getting angry, they can use it as a learning opportunity and continue on their way. In short, laughing at yourself will help you keep things in perspective and show that you’re human just like everyone else.

6) Communication

There are many different forms of communication that leaders need to learn, including written and oral. You need strong verbal skills to communicate clearly with your team members and the ability to understand what needs to be done for a project or assignment. Leaders who can speak persuasively will gain respect among their co-workers and be able to handle more responsibility.

7) Critical Thinking

If you’re a leader, it’s your job to make tough decisions and figure out the best course of action. That means learning how to think critically about problems and break them down into smaller parts to find the solution. Leaders who learn this quality will handle more responsibility because they can see different sides of an argument, understand what needs to be done and then execute that task.